Tavern Show All Sailors Patch
This patch modifies P3 to show all available sailors in the tavern's "Hire Sailors" page.
The "Hire Sailors" page displays a random amount of sailors if the sailor pool is bigger than 50.
The comparison is at 0x005D4CD4
.text:005D4CCA call get_available_sailors
.text:005D4CCF and eax, 0FFh
.text:005D4CD4 cmp eax, 32h ; '2'
.text:005D4CD7 mov [esp+54h+a3], eax
.text:005D4CDB jle short loc_5D4CF8
.text:005D4CDD fld dword ptr [esi+1CA0h]
.text:005D4CE3 fmul ds:flt_672F04
.text:005D4CE9 fadd ds:dbl_679CA0
.text:005D4CEF call __ftol
.text:005D4CF4 mov [esp+54h+a3], eax
.text:005D4CF8 loc_5D4CF8:
.text:005D4CF8 cmp [esi+1C38h], eax
To increase the threshold to 100, the operation 83 F8 32
has to be replaced with 83 F8 64