High Res


This patch changes the game's resolution to 1920x1080 pixels (Full HD).


Hooks are deployed to the following locations:

  • The options screen's exit function (to set the resolution)
  • The function that sets the resolution before the scene loads (to set the the resolution)
  • The function that sets the resolution after the scene has already loaded (to set the the resolution)
  • The function that sets the position of the UI elements on the right (to set them according to the resolution)
  • The function that sets the position of the UI elements at the top (to set them according to the resolution)
  • The function that renders all objects (to make the rectangle in the bottm right corner black)
  • The function in aim.dll that decodes image files (to replace the acceleration map with the upscaled variant)
  • The function that loads screen settings from accelMap.ini (to set the dimension of the acceleration map)


The source code for this patch can be found here.