
P3 handles most changes to the world and its elements through operations. An operation is a 20 bytes wide struct, where the first u32 denotes the operation's type, and the following 16 bytes contain the operation's arguments.


While the game executes operation handlers directly sometimes, usually operations are scheduled by inserting them into the pending operations queue in the static operations struct at 0x006DF2F0:

00000000 operations      struc ; (sizeof=0x948, mappedto_126)
00000048 field_48_pending_operations operation_switch_input_container ?
0000046C field_46C       dd ?
00000470 field_470_pending_operations_in_use dd ?
00000474 field_474_current_operations operation_switch_input_container ?

The operation_switch_input_container struct contains an array of 53 operations. The function schedule_operation at 0x00543F10 inserts an operation at the next free position, creating a new operation_switch_input_container and appending it to the last full one if necessary.


The function execute_operations at 0x00546870 removes up to 53 operations from operations and executes them.


The following IDC script adds scripted breakpoints to the executing and scheduling functions, allowing the investigation of P3's operation behavior:

static handle_operation_switch() {
    auto ptr = GetRegValue("esi");
    auto operationSwitchInput = OperationSwitchInput(ptr);
    // Ignore noisy operations
    if (operationSwitchInput.opcode() == 0x94) {
        return 0;
    if (operationSwitchInput.opcode() == 0x24) {
        return 0;
    if (operationSwitchInput.opcode() == 0x7B) {
        return 0;

    return 0;

static handle_insert_into_pending_operations_wrapper() {
    auto ptr = GetRegValue("eax");
    auto operationSwitchInput = OperationSwitchInput(ptr);
    // Ignore noisy operations
    if (operationSwitchInput.opcode() == 0x94) {
        return 0; // weird thing

    Message("handle_insert_into_pending_operations_wrapper %s", operationSwitchInput.toString());

    return 0;

static main() {
    auto bp = AddBpt(0x0053576B);
    SetBptCnd(0x0053576B, "handle_operation_switch()");
    auto bp2 = AddBpt(0x0054AABD);
    SetBptCnd(0x0054AABD, "handle_insert_into_pending_operations_wrapper()");

Identified Operations

The following operations have been identified:

0x00Move Ship
0x01Sell Wares from Ship
0x02Buy Wares to Ship
0x03Repair Ship
0x04Hire Sailors
0x06Dismiss Captain
0x15Create Convoy
0x16Disband Convoy
0x1bMove Wares
0x1dRepair Convoy
0x24Build Town Wall
0x25Build Road
0x26Demolish Building
0x29Grant Loan
0x2cBuild Ship
0x30Feed the Poor
0x31Donate to Church Extension
0x32Donate to Church
0x37Join Guild
0x41Form Militia Squad
0x42Bath House Bribe Success
0x43Bath House Bribe Failure
0x48Make Town Hall Offer
0x52Tavern Interaction
0xc4Advance Time
0x9fStart Ship Combat
0x96Steer Manually