Trade Routes (.rou)

The saved trade routes are stored in ./Save/AutoRoute. An uncomporessed trade route is an array of route stops, 220 bytes each. The rou file format is defined as:

          | 00  01   02  03   04  05   06  07 |
00000000  | Output Length   | Data            |

If the output length is bigger than 0 the file is compressed. Otherwise the absolute value of the negative output length denotes the length.


The compression algorithm has not been identified, but the decompression was reproduced.

Trade Route Stops

A trade route stop is defined as:

          |           00           01           02           03           |
00000000  | Unused                        | Town Index | Action           |
00000004  | Ware Order Array                                              |
0000001c  | Ware Price Array                                              |
0000007c  | Ware Amount Array                                             |

The "direction" of a transaction is encoded in the price and amount:

0NegativeShip -> Office
0PositiveOffice -> Ship
PositivePositiveShip -> Town
NegativePositiveTown -> Ship

The "Max" amount is represented by 1_000_000_000 for both barrel and bundle wares.