New Settlement Ware Production Bug
Due to an off-by-one error, a town founded through the alderman mission does not produce the goods the Hanse needs most, but instead those with an adjacent facility id.
The determine_new_settlement
function at 0x00532E30
calculates the wares with the biggest need.
Then it attempts to build a bitmap in which a 1
denotes that the nth production facility should be effective.
This is pseudeocode of the bit position calculation:
(1 << (ware_to_facility_mapping[ware_id] - 3)) & 0xFFFFFF;
Production facilities start at id 0x04
(hunting lodge), but P3 subtracts only 3
from the facility id.
Therefore, if the Hanse has a shortage of skins, the bitmap will have 0b0000000000000010
set instead of 0b0000000000000001
The second production facility is fisherman's hut (0x05
), so a shortage of skins causes an effective fish production, and so forth.
Subtracting 4
instead of 3
fixes this bug.
The subtraction is at 0x00532FF1
.text:00532FE2 loc_532FE2: ; CODE XREF: determine_new_settlement+1EA↓j
.text:00532FE2 mov edx, [esp+edi*4+0F0h+effective_ware_ids]
.text:00532FE6 mov eax, 1
.text:00532FEB mov cl, ds:ware_to_prod_mapping[edx]
.text:00532FF1 sub ecx, 3
.text:00532FF4 shl eax, cl
.text:00532FF6 mov ecx, [esi]
.text:00532FF8 and eax, 0FFFFFFh
.text:00532FFD test eax, ecx
.text:00532FFF jnz short loc_533007
.text:00533001 or ecx, eax
.text:00533003 mov [esi], ecx
.text:00533005 jmp short loc_53300C
To change the 3
to a 4
, the operation 83 E9 03
needs to be replaced with 83 E9 04