
Indictment letters are sent by criminal investigation scheduled tasks.


The text depends on the crime type:

Crime TypeContent
0Severe charges have been made against you. The court will be provided with evidence that you met in %s in the town of %s with lawless elements, and obviously made criminal plans with them.
1You are accused of recently committing a breach of the rules of the Hanseatic League by breaking the Boycott of %s. Several traders observed you in this law-breaking deed.
2Several witnesses have sworn that they recognised your ship %s during the recent pirates attack, and that it was flying the pirate's flag.
3A worthless scoundrel was taken into custody in %s today, as he was breaking into the trading office of %s %s in pursuit of his criminal activities. Under careful questioning, he admitted the deed, and said, that you had paid him, to carry out this treacherous burglary.
4A capable trader recently succeeded in boarding a cowardly pirate ship and arrested the captain. At first, he did not admit anything, but couldn't hold out against our penetrating interrogation, and admitted it was your idea and with your support that he did this.
8You stand accused of taking part in a punishable offence, undermining the good of the Hanseatic League.
9Several witnesses to a recent pirate attack, have sworn that they recognised your ship, %s with a pirate flag run up the mast and firing on Hanseatic League ships.
10Several witnesses to a recent pirate attack, have sworn that they recognised your ship %s with a pirate flag run up the mast and plundering Hanseatic League ships.
11Several witnesses to a recent pirate attack, have sworn that they recognised your ship %s with a pirate flag run up the mast and sinking Hanseatic League ships.
12Several witnesses to a recent pirate attack, have sworn that they recognised your ship %s with a pirate flag run up the mast and capturing Hanseatic Leagueague ships.
13Several witnesses to a recent pirate attack on %s have sworn that they recognised your ship %s displaying a pirate flag run up the mast.
14Several witnesses to a recent pirate attack on %s have sworn that they recognised your ship %s displaying a pirate flag run up the mast and firing on the town's defences.
15Several witnesses to a recent pirate attack on %s have sworn that they recognised your ship %s displaying a pirate flag run up the mast, breaching the town's defences and plundering the town's coffers.

The suffix We will investigate this atrocious charge. Expect a message in the near future, which will inform you of the results of our investigations is appended to every indictment letter.