CPR are archive files used in multiple Ascaron games. The file format is defined as:

          |  00  01  02  03  |  04  05  06  07  |  08  09  0A  0B  |  0C  0D  0E 0F  |
00000000  | Header                                                                   |
00000010  | Version          | Padding                                               |
00000020  | Chunks                                                                   |

Each chunk is defined as:

00000000  | Index Size       | Unknown          | Files Count      | Data Size       |
00000010  | Index Entries                                                            |
          | Data                                                                     |

Index Size defines the byte size of the index entries. Files Count defines the amount of entries in the chunk. Data Size defines the size of the data block.

Each index entry is defined as:

00000000  | Offset           | Size             | Unknown          | Path            |
00000010  | Path (cont.)                                                             |

Offset defines the start position relative to the start of the file, and Size the size. Path is latin1 encoded and zero-terminated.

Multiple parsers exist, e.g. CPRreader and cprcli.